Sunday, October 10, 2010

MTV:EMA 2010

EMA kommer snart!!! I Madrid, Spanien hålls det i år!
Jag har sparat flera utkast om EMA som jag kanske lägger upp senare ;)
Jag har röstat, och jag hoppas att dom jag röstade på vinner ;)

Saturday, October 9, 2010


Yesterday I slept over at Isabel's house with Fredrika ;) We were watching some western-movie, and I kept on falling asleep, but Fredrika and Isabel kept on waking me up when they were talking -_- LOL
So I went down to the bed and I fell asleep at like 2:00 am, and Fredrika and Isabel fell asleep at like 3:00 am haha
So now I'm at home, eating cookies dipped in milk ;) Haha this guy was saying disgusting stuff to Vanessa on interpals, so I sent him a message nicely asking him to stop writing stuff to her, and he says I sicken him and blocks me and Vanessa!! :D :D haha it's SO funny! He's such a loser! :P he should get a life, pervert!!! ;) I'm listening to music and I'm getting tired, but I don't wanna go to bed :P
I might get an iPhone 4G! :D :D :D :D

Friday, October 8, 2010


Sitting here in Spanish class :) It's actually fun because we're on our computers to do a test online, and I'm done, so I'm blogging and on Skype :)
Hola, me llamo Sophia. Tengo trece años. Vivo en Suecia. ;) haha
I'm meeting some really nice people on interpals, it's really cool :)
Now my teacher is making another test online. :)
After school I'm probably going to be with Isabel and Michelle :)

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Change of plans :)

Me, Isabel and Michelle didn't go to Mörby Centrum because Michelle didn't have any money with her, and she'd forgot her leggings at home. We stayed at the football field in the cafeteria and were talking and eating ice-cream and candy ;)
It was raining, so I was soaked when I got home, even though the football field is like 5 minutes from my house :P
Tomorrow's FRIDAY! My favorite day! Yay! I'm SO happy! My life's never been better! I have a GREAT friend (Vanessa <3), and she knows the boys that flirted with me (Kekko and Marco<3), tomorrow it's FRIDAY<3 and I'm sitting in my bed listening to music on Spotify :)
I <3 wireless Internet :)
The only bad thing is math class, but nevermind. I'm not going to let math ruin my happy mood :)
So I'm like chilling on interpals, and I'm looking for more friends :)
BTW I didn't take any pictures because I forgot :( But we didn't do anything special ;)
Wow, it's getting DARK outside, and it's not even 19:00 yet!! :O

School sucks.....-_-

I'm sitting here in math class, and I'm about to DIE!!!!! Thank god for the laptops and the wireless internet! I'm probably only going to be on the computer all the time. The teacher isn't bothering me. Phew! After school I'm going with my friend Michelle to Mörby Centrum to go shopping. I haveto buy a pencil then, because I'm using a pen in my math book and it isn't looking good.
I just checked my schedule. I have a 10 minute break after math class, then I have biology for 50 minutes, then I have a 15 minute break, then music for 45 minutes, then 35 minute lunch, then English for 1 hour, then a 10 minute break until SO, then SO for 1,5 hours. I end at 15:00, and then I wait 1 hour for Michelle. We'll be with Isabel until wthe buss comes (16:31) and then we'll go to Mörby Centrum to go shopping.
I have 500 kr with me ;)

Tid  Mån    Tis    Ons    Tor    Fre  

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Just another day :)

I went shopping today, and I bought two foundations and a shirt :) In school I found out that I´'m with Kalle and Carl when we're doing a project -_- We're doing a project about insects. That's....interesting? So, Desperate Housewives episode 1 season 7 was yesterday, and that woman in prison is FREAKY! OMG! But now I understand who Mary Alice is and who Paul is and who that woman is :)
Soon epidose 1 of the new season of Grey's Anatomy is!!! OMG I'M HYPED! :D

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Now that you've started reading...don't stop!!!

Ok, I look at my stats every time I write something on my blog. I know how many people come to this site. Why don't you comment?? It's MUCH more fun if y'all comment! If you promise to comment, then I'll promise to make this blog more fun! I'll have stuff like Today's Outfit, polls and maybe even contests ;)

Monday, October 4, 2010


So I was on MSN with Vanessa today :) I was online all day in school and was like, "Why isn't Vanessa logged in?" When I was chatting with her I remembered that she was in NYC and they're 6 hours behind Swedish time, haha :D
But chatting with her is SO fun! Both of us are like underweight and both of us LOVE chocolate and Nutella!! :D :D Fun much?? LOL!!!!
So, special shoutout to my italian friend Vanessa!!!
I hope I get to see her this summer, I'm begging my parents to start planning an Italy trip, even if there's like 9 months left ;) Haha!!!
                                              My Taylor Lautner poster ;)

Sunday, October 3, 2010

With Friends!!!!

Now I'm with my friends Maxi and Madeleine. My brother's also here. We're geeks!!! I'm on interpals, fb, msn and skype. Maxi is on his iPhone 3G, Mikael is on his iPod Touch and Madeleine is on her phone.
Haha, I'm playing songs on Spotify :D
I'm SO in love!!!! ;)
Yesterday I was up all night watching scary movies. I'm still scared :/ LOL
My head still hurts from yesterday when I was laughing and ran in to the wall. Haha
Sophia (or like Vanessa calls me, Sophiiiiiiii) haha <3 <3

Saturday, October 2, 2010

In Love!!!!

OMG!! I'm so in love!!!  I love a guy SO much that I'm going crazy!!! Haha!!
Something funny happened and I was laughing too much! I just kept on laughing and laughing! When I was running after Ingrid, I was laughing so much I ran in to the wall!!!! Hahaha love's crazy! But being in love is such a great feeling!!!!
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3  I LOVE YOU!!!

Friday, October 1, 2010

Up late!!!

I'm up late tonight! It's probably because I'm so hyped! Vanessa's best friends with the boys that flirted with us!! Kekko and Marco!! OMG I love the nick-name Kekko! It's Vanessa and my nickname for Francesco :D
Sophia :D

More pics from NYC :D

                                               Juicy Couture BIYATCH!

                                                              Angry -_-
                                                   haha look at the camera!

New York pics!!!


                                                           My brother doing push-ups!!! :D

Some more pics from Italy :)

      Me, Ingrid, Ingrid's mom, Ingrid's brother, My mom and my brother (behind Ingrid's brother haha)
                                                   I wanna go back to Como!!!
   Ingrid wasn't allowd to go in here because her tank top was too U-cut and her shorts were too short. LOL old fashioned!!

Some pics from Italy!!! (Como and Milano)

                                                 Me and my brother infront of the car we rented

                                               Don't mess with me, bitch!
                                                                      Awww haha
                                     Me and my brother after the log ride in Gardaland. WET!
                                                          Chockolate apple!!
                                                             Model pose ;)
                                                         Model pose!!! ;)
                                                                        No water!!!!
                                                Sooooo warm....Soooo hungry......So tired.....